Spine Surgery

Having surgery completed on your spine probably sounds like a pretty frightening proposition. Undoubtedly, a spine surgery isn’t something that you should think about only casually, but it is important to remember that spine surgery procedures are much safer and more effective than they’ve ever been previously. There are a huge number of different minimally invasive spine surgery procedures that might be required to help you achieve a healthier condition, and Dr. William Muñoz  is prepared to help you no matter what. We’ve got a storied service history in this space, providing excellence on a reliable basis for the people of Boca Raton, Florida, for many years. You only need to take a quick look at a few of our testimonials to quickly realize that we’re the ideal choice for people who are seeking out assistance with their spines. To get a better understanding of the spine surgery procedures that we can assist you with, and the situations that might call for them, read on below.

Relevant Conditions

There are many conditions and symptoms that are impossible to resolve without a surgical intervention, and you need to be prepared to take the steps required to look after your health and wellbeing, even if it means going under the knife. Commonly, surgery is required to help with herniated or ruptured disks, spinal stenosis (where the spinal column narrows, putting pressure on the spinal cord), spondylolisthesis (where one or more bone in the spine falls out of place), vertebral fractures, and degenerative disk disease. Of course, this is just a sample of the issues that we deal with a consistent basis.

Minimally Invasive

If you’re worried about having your back opened up for an operation, there’s no reason to be too alarmed. The fact of the matter is that, increasingly, it’s possible to get positive results for spine surgery without having to behave too invasively. Dr. William Muñoz, M.D. will always try to explore minimally invasive procedures first and foremost, and that’s almost always the preference for our patients across Boca Raton, Florida.

Types of Spine Surgery

Once we have a good understanding of what’s causing the issues with your back, which is accomplished through extensive testing, scanning, and evaluation, we’ll look to complete a procedure to resolve the situation. Over the years, we’ve helped our patients by performing a variety of procedures. Whether you need a kyphoplasty, a lumbar fusion, an SI fusion, lumbar braces, or anything else, we’ve got you covered. You can always seek out more detailed information about our procedures on our website, or through our customer service representatives.  


Top Class Surgeons

When you have a surgical procedure completed, you put your health, your well being – your life – in the hands of the surgical team. Accordingly, it makes total sense that you’d seek out the most highly accomplished, reliable doctor out there – and that’s where Dr. Muñoz enters the picture.

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