Cervical/Lumbar Fusion

If you know anything about back pain and discomfort, you’re surely already aware that there are a variety of conditions that can cause these problems. For doctors and spine surgery specialists, diagnosing and treating these conditions is a challenge, as many of the symptoms are also related to other conditions that you might come across from time to time. Nevertheless, with the team at William Muñoz, M.D. you’re gaining access to an organization that has extensive experience with these matters. We work tirelessly to ensure that our patients are feeling healthy and well at all times, and if they’re not, we do whatever it takes to come up with a solution. Two of the procedures that are commonly performed by our organization are cervical and lumbar fusions. To learn more about whether you require a lumbar fusion, a cervical fusion, or another minimally invasive spine surgery, you can reach out to our customer service representatives to arrange a consultation. In the meantime, read on below.

What is a Cervical Fusion?

For those without any medical knowledge, the term cervical fusion might mean next to nothing – and that’s totally understandable. So, what exactly is a cervical fusion? In simple terms, a cervical fusion is a type of neck surgery which involves the removal of a damaged disc in order to alleviate pressure on the nerve root or spinal cord. The fusion surgery stabilizes the cervical segment by placing bone graft or implants where the disc was previously. This drastically bolsters the strength of that section, and should work wonderfully to alleviate symptoms.

What is a Lumbar Fusion?

A person simply moving their body shouldn’t cause issues, it shouldn’t result in pain, but unfortunately, that’s the case in some situations. The lumbar is the abdominal section of your back, and a lumbar fusion is the procedure that is designed to stop motions which cause pain at a vertebra segment. All lumbar fusions involve adding bone graft to a part of the spine, in order to set up a biological response that causes the bone graft to adhere to the vertebral elements.

Relieving Pain and Discomfort

The sad truth is that many people experience a great deal of pain and discomfort as a result of back issues. Vertebrae can easily shift out of alignment, and even the most minute changes can result in debilitating symptoms. Fortunately, you don’t have to simply live with these issues. Using our lumbar fusion and cervical fusion expertise, we can make sure that you’re feeling as fit as a fiddle by the end of the process.

Conditions and Diagnoses

Before we get into any of the physical work required to get on top of your condition, we’ll first have to take steps to ascertain exactly what’s going on. We’ll work hard to diagnose your condition without any undue delays. You can rest assured that our experienced doctors and practitioners have all the requisite knowledge and experience to come to a conclusion with efficiency.

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