Conservative Treatment

To resolve back issues, it’s usually required to create a treatment plan that will take effect over time – it isn’t all about spine surgery procedures that magically fix the issues that are being faced. One approach that is useful for both before and after surgical treatments is giving patients access to lumbar braces. These have wide-ranging benefits for both long and short term outcomes, and this has been proven in our field time and time again. Below, you can discover more information about the way we use lumbar braces, and why they might be the most suitable fit for your situation. Of course, we understand how complex these matters can feel, especially for those without any medical experience, and you can always reach out to our customer service representatives to arrange a consultation for your specific circumstances. They’re available through our main phone number or via our online contact form.

What are Lumbar Braces?

If you’re not familiar with lumbar braces, here’s an explanation for you. Commonly referred to as lower back braces, lumbar braces are external devices that give support to the spine’s muscular and boney structures. It wasn’t so long ago that these braces would have been constructed out of plaster, but that’s not really the case anymore. Generally speaking, lumbar braces are comprised of plastic, and created with the comfort of the patient in mind. There are a multitude of situations where lumbar braces might become necessary for a patient – and we’re here to help you with any of them.

Treating Spinal Conditions

As you’re surely aware already, there are numerous spinal conditions that could be causing issues for you and your back – and they each require their own treatment plan to be wholly effective. While a kyphoplasty is a great call in some situations, in others, it becomes necessary to press ahead with a lumbar fusion. One thing that many of these treatments have in common is that they might use a lumbar brace as part of the treatment. A lumbar brace is a good option for many people, but only with the help of qualified physicians can you be certain about their suitability for your back.

Surgery Recovery

If you’ve had spine surgery completed, you need to be careful with your back’s condition. It might not take a huge amount of exertion to cause problems to reemerge during that period, and this is why many organizations use lumbar braces to support the back during these difficult times. With our help, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t cause yourself harm after you’ve completed surgery.

Additional Benefits

Facilitating a solution and accentuating recovery are both excellent reasons to consider lumbar braces, but there are some otherwise reasons that you might want to think about on top of that. Lumbar braces are known to reduce lower back pain and muscle tension, can improve your posture, and increase your function during normal, daily activities. All of these are clearly worthwhile reasons to press ahead with lumbar braces.

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